A new direction to traditional occupations.
The organization is working to provide new technologies and community business models for traditional occupations and skills. In addition, to start a new business financial capital is arranged and training are provided with the help of our partners. Currently, there are 3 ongoing projects for livelihood development.
Towards financial and social independence.
Shashwat facilitated self-help group formations. The self-help groups model is successfully implemented in the tribal areas. It provided a platform to organise, get trained, participate in decision making and engage in financially productive activities.
For the new generation of tomorrow.
While working on other projects, the ill effects of lack of education began to be noticed. Shashwat decided that if we want to radically improve the situation of the local tribals, we have to work in the field of education as well.
Development in all aspects of life
The organization is working in other areas of community health, social awareness and distribute basic goods to poor households during COVID 19 pandemic time. New projects initiated at a small scale will be expanded on a large scale in near future. A little about them.