Health Camps
There are not enough health facilities available in the tribal areas and one has to travel 40-50 km for treatment.
Health problems, especially eyecare problems, are prominent among the locals.
Budhrani Hospital, Pune helped to address the eyecare problems of many patients by operations.
The objective is to help about 350 patients by organizing 7-8 camps every year from next year.

Social Awareness
Raising Awareness about PESA law
According to the Forest Act of 2006, tribals have been given some rights as well as certain duties.
Work is underway to disseminate the information about such laws and facilitate their participation in the effective implementation of the PESA Act.
We are working with the tribals for forest conservation and forest growth in nearby areas.
Renewing / Updating documents
Tribal areas have a joint family system. Land titles and ownership rights are all in the name of the family head only. After the death of the family head, fragmentation and distribution of land is not followed by updating official documents i.e. 'Khate fod' due to unawareness about common government laws.
Many farmers don't register the total number of Hirda trees in the field on 7/12. This is a violation of rules set by the Forest Department.
Shashwat Foundation has opened a help centre at the main office and also organised a few camps to help farmers for renewing/updating documents.
Budding Projects
Mushroom Farming
With the help of IIT Powai and the Tribal Development Department, mushroom farming training has been imparted to the SHGs to start their own businesses.
The Tribal Development Department has provided financial assistance of Rs 18 lakh to three SHGs.
Mushroom seed supply and technical assistance will be provided by IIT Powai.
The project building is nearing completion and business will start in 2020.
Natural Honey Collection
The tribal area is surrounded by evergreen forests, which provide abundant natural honey.
The business of collecting, packing and selling honey started in early 2020.
So far 550 kg of honey has been sold through SHGs.
The target is to sell 4000-5000 kg of honey in the year 2020-2021.
With the help of capital and machinery for this business, about 100 families will get employment.